
The newsroom includes access to Council Connect, our twice-monthly newsletter on Hospital Council’s work. Key articles and issues of interest, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

Upcoming Conference Will Foster Collaboration Across the Care Continuum

On Oct. 1, Hospital Council corporate associate member PointClickCare will host a Care Collaboration Conference in San Jose, bringing  together thought leaders from acute and post-acute care, including UCSF, Sutter Health, Covenant, Canopy, CareConnect MD, and others. This conference is an opportunity for networking and collaboration with partners throughout the care continuum. Registration is open

Watsonville Hospital Holds Fundraising Gala

Who Watsonville Community Hospital Foundation What Watsonville Community Hospital, through its foundation, hosted its first annual gala on Sept. 21. The foundation is hoping to raise a significant amount of funding for the community hospital, with eyes on making this an annual event. More than 150 people attended, including Sen. John Laird (D–Santa Cruz) and […]

Hospitals Meet with HHS Secretary in the South Bay

Who Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra  What On Sept. 16, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford hosted a roundtable meeting with HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. This event was convened by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and attended by Hospital Council RVP Jo Coffaro, several […]

Sonoma County Hospitals are Responding to Closure of Crisis Stabilization Unit

Who Sonoma County member hospitals  Sonoma County Board of Supervisors  Sonoma County administration What Sonoma County’s only crisis stabilization unit (CSU) was forced to close in August due to mold contamination in its air ducts. After a contractor assessed the damage, it became clear that the necessary repairs may extend into the new year. This […]

Workforce Issues Are Impacting Rural Hospitals

Hospitals in California are facing multiple challenges that impact patients’ ability to access quality care. One of the most significant is a shortage of health care workers, with 22% of Californians living in areas without enough primary care providers. Shortages are particularly prevalent in rural areas, where patients struggle to access care because there aren’t enough nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other health care workers to keep up with demand. 

Corporate Associate Member PointClickCare to Hold Conference on October 1

Hospital Council welcomes PointClickCare as a corporate associate member, recently transitioned from the Endorsed Business Partner program. PointClickCare is a leading health care technology platform enabling meaningful collaboration and access to real‐time insights at every stage of the patient health care journey. With an expanded Care Collaboration Network in California, 55% of acute hospitals and […]

Northern Sierra CEOs Share Challenges and Opportunities 

Who CEOs and other hospital leadership in the Northern Sierra Section What At a section meeting in late August, Northern Sierra CEOs discussed a wide range of critical issues including the continued increase of patients being held on 5150s in the emergency departments (EDs), as well as shortages of behavioral health workforce across the region. […]

Alternate Destination Strategy Approved in Sacramento

Who Sacramento County Emergency Medical Services Agency (SCEMSA)  Behavioral health facilities in Sacramento County  911/Emergency medical service providers in the SCEMSA territory   What SCEMSA’s medical director recently reported that the California Emergency Medical Services Authority approved the agency’s application for a triage-to-alternate-destination policy.   Three facilities are now contracted to serve as receiving sites for mental […]

CEO Message

Read up-to-date messages from Hospital Council's CEO