Council Connect Articles

Changes Coming to COVID-19 Data Reporting

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) is making changes related to COVID-19 reporting.  

Soon after May 11, the reporting cadence to NHSN will change from daily to weekly. Values reported for each day of the previous week (Sunday–Saturday) must be submitted by the following Tuesday. In addition, the number of data elements to be reported will be reduced to 44.

In addition, CHA has been working closely with the California Department of Public Health to eliminate the requirement for COVID-19 reporting at the state level. As a result, beginning on May 11, hospitals will no longer be required to report data to the CHA COVID Tracker (Smartsheet). Instead, hospitals will report data directly to the federal government through the NHSN COVID module.