East Bay

About East Bay

The East Bay Section of the Hospital Council is comprised of 35 hospitals, representing 5,829 licensed beds in Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano counties.






Hospitals Meet with Candidates for Open East Bay Seats 

Who Alameda and Contra Costa county hospital and government relations leaders   Candidates for the open District 5 supervisor seats   Candidate for the open 12th Congressional District seat What Hospital Council convened meetings with hospital government relations leaders and candidates for the open seats on the Alameda and Contra Costa county boards of supervisors. A meeting […]

Proposed Berkeley Fossil Fuel Tax Would Impact Hospitals and Health Systems

Who Hospitals and health systems with large buildings in the city of Berkeley   Berkeley Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Berkeley Business Association   What A local environmental group in Berkeley has gathered the required signatures to qualify its so-called “Large Buildings Fossil Fuel Emissions Tax” for the November ballot. The proposed tax on natural gas usage […]

East Bay Section Membership Meetings

Who Hospital leaders from Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano counties What On May 15, Solano County hospital leaders convened to discuss local implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 43 and hospitals’ top concerns as Solano County prepares its request for proposals for ambulance services in the fall. Members also shared recent unsatisfactory experiences with the California […]

East Bay EDA Event Spotlights Health Care Innovation

Who East Bay Economic Development Alliance (East Bay EDA)  Hospital and physician leaders from John Muir Health, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, Stanford Health Care – Tri Valley, and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland  Hospital Council  What As a member of the East Bay EDA’s board of directors, RVP Rebecca Rozen […]