Council Connect Articles

Contra Costa County Approves Plans for Measure X Funds


Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors


On Nov. 16, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors approved its first expenditure plan for over $128 million in funds generated through Measure X. Passed by the voters in 2020, Measure X raises the local sales tax by a half cent. A Measure X Community Advisory Board recommended funding priorities in accordance with the ballot language “to keep Contra Costa’s regional hospital open and staffed; fund community health centers; provide timely fire and emergency response; support crucial safety-net services; invest in early childhood services; protect vulnerable populations; and for other essential county services benefitting county residents.” Hospital Council participated in meetings of the Measure X Community Advisory Board, particularly in support of funding for Contra Costa CARES, a local program providing access to primary care services for undocumented adults.

Takeaway/Next Steps

The approved expenditure plan includes funding for several priorities of importance to hospitals: implementation of a new comprehensive initiative to improve behavioral health crisis response, permanent supportive housing and other measures to address housing insecurity and homelessness, and the county hospital. It also establishes a one-time $2 million Innovation Fund. There is a placeholder for Contra Costa CARES funding beginning in fiscal year 2022-23 pending the outcome of a new planning group, of which the Hospital Council is a member.