On-Site LEAD Academy Trains Managers to be Successful Leaders
LEAD Academy sessions provide an engaging and safe environment to practice newly learned skills and align work goals and actions to support the broader vision of your organization.
LEAD Academy cohorts work together for six monthly meetings, a full day each month, focusing on:
• Self-development
• Supporting the development of others
• Managing and developing a successful organization
When your staff finishes their LEAD Academy cohort, they will:
- Improve the performance of the people that report to them
- Enhance their contribution to the achievement of your hospital’s strategic goals
- Increase their own self-management skills during every day and stressful situations
Leadership & Charge Nurse: Creating a Culture of Safety
Full-Day Program, Minimum 30 Participants, 8 Contact Hours
“Creating a Culture of Safety” will focus on the role of the nurse leader in creating and developing a safe atmosphere. This course will expand on key concepts to help charge nurses improve customer service, Continuous Survey Readiness (CRS) and response to critical events. The course will also discuss the key roles of the charge nurse in developing a “Just Culture” within the unit, including hourly rounding, debriefing, simulations and effective communication and feedback.
Charge Nurse: Critical Thinking Essentials
Half-Day Program, Minimum 30 Participants, 4 Contact Hours
Critical thinking is central to effective task management and decision making in high-risk situations. Review how active assessment and analysis of information helps evaluate and improve the quality of thinking, and discuss the key principles and barriers to thinking critically. The course will also focus on the application of critical thinking through the nursing process to help staff arrive at the appropriate decision or conclusion.
For additional information, contact Sherita Rogers, Education Specialist, at hceducation@hospitalcouncil.org or (213) 538-0770.