CEO Messages

Hospital Engagement Needed on Seismic Community Partnerships 

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Earlier this summer, CHA launched a statewide effort designed to bring your hospitals relief from the 2030 seismic mandate. This new approach, which begins in local communities, is focused on building community partnerships and working with those partners to increase understanding of the need to protect access to care with state legislators.

Specifically, it will: 

  • Create teams of partners in every community who also value access to care and can help keep local hospitals open. 
  • Communicate to legislators that California’s hospitals are standing safe, standing with our communities.
  • Help lawmakers understand the dire consequences of hospitals being forced to close due to the 2030 seismic requirements. 

At a time when so many hospitals are on the financial brink, it’s vital that we ensure that your hospitals remain open and able to care for your communities. Even if your hospital has met the 2030 requirements, we still need your help, because we know it will be difficult for your hospitals to absorb patients from neighboring hospitals if they are forced to close. That’s why it is so important for your hospitals to engage with community leaders to share with them why your hospitals must have relief from the 2030 standards.  

As part of this effort, CHA has developed a toolkit to assist in your work with community leaders. CHA also conducted two briefings for member hospitals last month to give a high-level overview of the effort and will hold more for hospitals that pledge to participate. This seismic community engagement effort will also be discussed at our Hospital Council Board meeting this week. 

Never has it been more important for hospitals to form deeper and new bonds with community leaders, and we are ready to assist with any questions or concerns regarding this seismic effort. Together, we can protect access to hospital care.