Council Connect Articles

HQI Hosting Webinars During Patient Safety Awareness Week

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

HQI is celebrating Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 14-18, by hosting a free webinar each day. Daily webinars include:

Prescription for Safety: Just What the Doctor Ordered – Simple Strategies to Promote Safe Medication Use  
March 14: 11 a.m.-noon (PT) 
Attendees will hear about effective safety planning interventions to prevent errors or reduce the likelihood of harm from medication use.  

Transgender Health Care: Safety Considerations for Both Patient and Institution  
March 15: 11 a.m.-noon (PT) 
This presentation will discuss who transgender patients are and review relevant epidemiologic information about this diverse patient population. 

Patient Safety Culture Change  
March 16: 11 a.m.-noon (PT)
Hear about HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART, a comprehensive program designed to change patient safety culture and improve staff well-being, and learn how implementation is being conducted through a partnership of three entities — a managed care health plan, a professional liability insurance company, and HQI.

Addressing Racial Inequity in Health Care Outcomes with a Focus on Cherished Futures for Black Moms and Babies  
March 17: 10-11 a.m. (PT) 
Learn more about Cherished Futures for Black Moms and Babies, a Los Angeles County initiative that helps participating hospitals evaluate their data, collaborate with community partners, and implement institutional changes to improve care for Black women, birthing people, and families. 

Recent CDC Studies about COVID in California: An Epidemiological Review and Critique 
March 18: 11 a.m.-noon (PT) 
HQI’s epidemiologist will provide a historical perspective of the COVID-19 epidemic in California and review the findings, point out strengths, and critique the methodologies used in several recent COVID-19 studies based on California data.