Council Connect Articles

It’s Your Money: Get It Back With MCAG


This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Hospital Council members have full access to the class action settlement recovery service provided by Managed Care Advisory Group (MCAG), which represents over 1,400 hospitals and has recovered more than $200 million on behalf of health care organizations from previous settlements.

While MCAG is monitoring several class action settlements, the following are significant opportunities, with two claim filing deadlines approaching fast (Hospital Council members already enrolled with MCAG will be automatically included in applicable claims):

  • The BCBS subscriber settlement | $2.67 billion | Nov. 5 filing deadlineThis is a fund for employers who used Blue Cross Blue Shield for their own benefit plans. It reimburses a portion of premiums paid by eligible fully insured groups back to 2008, or administrative fees paid by eligible self-funded accounts back to 2015.
  • The EpiPen (branded & generic) settlement | $345 million | Nov. 12 filing deadline
    This covers businesses with self-insured health plans that purchased EpiPens, both branded and generic, on behalf of their employees due to artificially inflated and/or stabilized prices. All organizations located within the U.S. with applicable purchases are eligible.
  • The payment card interchange fee settlement* | $5.54 billion | TBD filing deadline
    This is also known as the Visa/Mastercard settlement, which reimburses organizations for the fees they paid for accepting Visa or Mastercard payments from Jan. 1, 2004, to Jan. 25, 2019. This class action settlement has received final approval, and the claims process will be available as soon as appeals are resolved

MCAG does not create class actions but searches for actions that have already settled and files claims for more than 200,000 companies nationwide. MCAG charges Hospital Council members a contingent fee of 20% of actual recoveries (no other fees) for all settlements.

Signing up for MCAG’s service can be done by visiting MCAG’s website for Hospital Council members and entering in your business information.
For questions, email Hospital Council RVP Meghan Hardin or call (415) 259-8609.

* Payment Card Settlement Disclaimer: The Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs have reached a proposed settlement in this action. Materials reflecting this proposed settlement were filed Sept. 18, 2018 with the court. No claim forms are available at this time, and no claim-filing deadline exists. If the settlement is approved, no-cost assistance will be available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during any claims-filing period. No one is required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in any settlement. For additional information regarding the status of the litigation, interested persons may visit, the court-approved website for this case.