Council Connect Articles

On-Demand Recording Offers PSPS Resources and Medical Baseline Program Information

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During times of extreme weather, California’s Investor Owned Utility (IOU) power companies recommend residents have an emergency preparedness plan in place in the event power must be shut off for safety reasons. The Medical Baseline Allowance Programs enable patients who depend on power for certain conditions to lower energy rates and, most importantly, receive extra notice of Public Safety Power Shutoffs to their residence.  

Low moisture content in vegetation, low humidity and high winds can lead to weather conditions that warrant a Public Safety Power Shutoff.  When these weather conditions are present, Public Safety Power Shutoff will be the top of mind for many of the most vulnerable patients.

To assist hospitals, the California Hospital Association — in partnership with Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE&E), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) — has prepared this on-demand recording that explains the Medical Baseline Allowance Program and details the support and resources available from the utility companies during a Public Safety Power Shutoff.

While the programs are similar across power utilities, there are unique forms and processes for each utility.

PG&E website and additional resources in English and Spanish to support patients during outages and Medical Baseline Application.

SDG&E website and additional resources in English and Spanish to support patients during a Public Safety Power Shutoff and Medical Baseline Application.

SCE website and additional resources in English and Spanish to support patients during a Public Safety Power Shutoff and Medical Baseline Application.

For more information regarding Public Safety Power Shutoff, visit