Council Connect Articles

PG&E to Give PSPS Updates on Webinar

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

As Hospital Council and CHA continue to work with PG&E to address the challenges our members and communities face with planned and unplanned power outages, a complimentary, members-only webinar is planned for March 29 from 10 to 11 a.m. (PT).

Attendees will hear directly from experts at PG&E on topics that include:

  • Public safety power shutoff updates
  • New program for many PG&E customers: Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings
  • How to prepare for unplanned grid emergencies

There is ample time set aside for Q&A so attendees can take advantage of the time with the experts. Hospital Council recommends that at least one representative attend from each hospital or system.