Council Connect Articles

Reasons To Celebrate in The Northern Sierra


  • SacValley MedShare (SVMS)  
  • Shasta Health Assessment and Redesign Collaborative (SHARC) 
  • California Department of Public Health, Chico District Office (CDPH – Chico


The Northern Sierra Section is starting the 2023 holiday season off with reasons for gratitude and celebration. Three examples stand out with SVMS, SHARC, and CDPH – Chico.

SVMS, headquartered in Chico, has been named a qualified health information organization (QHIO) by the California Health and Human Services Agency, accelerating the advance of improved patient outcomes. Hospital Council is a founding and current board member of what is now one of the state’s largest and most established HIOs.

One of the state’s highest-performing collaboratives, SHARC, recently held its first Shasta Health Rock Stars event where it recognized, along with Assembly Member Megan Dahle (R-Bieber) and Sen. Brian Dahle (R-Bieber), nine high-performing providers in categories such as nurse, advanced practice clinician, and physician. The event is part of a larger strategy to attract and retain providers in the rural north, and Hospital Council was honored to support this great event. In the annual meeting of hospitals and CDPH, hosted by Hospital Council and CHA, CDPH – Chico was again recognized by hospitals for its leadership and collaborative relationships that support excellent patient care and outcomes.

Takeaway/Next Steps

SVMS’ dedication to improving patient outcomes has resulted in hospitals, clinics, counties, health plans, and more signing on to share data. Hospital Council will help this nonprofit sign up more entities that need to meet the requirement of joining a QHIO.