- Sacramento County Emergency Services Agency (SCEMSA) staff
- Hospital executives and emergency department directors in the SCEMSA service area
- Senior fire department leaders in the SCEMSA service area
On June 26, SCEMSA convened 18 hospital and fire department leaders to tackle a systemic ambulance patient offload time (APOT) improvement process. Dale Ainsworth, PhD, a respected facilitator, was brought in to guide the process. The intent was to help hospitals exchange best practices and to inform the development of plans for expediting APOT.
The APOT reduction protocol plans must be filed with the California Emergency Medical Services Authority by Sept. 1 as required by Assembly Bill 40.
Takeaway/Next Steps
Meetings will occur every four weeks until the Sept. 1 deadline and potentially beyond.
RVP Brian Jensen at bjensen@hospitalcouncil.org