Council Connect Articles

SacValley MedShare Helps Coordinate Care

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  • SacValley MedShare
  • Health care providers and plans
  • Hospital Council


SacValley MedShare (SVMS) is the largest health information exchange (HIE) in the far north state, serving many hospitals, clinics, counties, ambulances, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, health plans, labs, imaging centers, and independent practice physicians. In June, thanks to continued growth in health care organizations signing on to the HIE, SVMS reported that the health records of over 1.8 million patients now reside on the exchange to help caregivers provide the best and most coordinated care possible.

Takeaway/Next Steps

Hospital Council is a founding member of SVMS and, along with CHA, is working with state leaders on establishing a statewide HIE required by Assembly Bill (AB) 133, which includes specific requirements for hospitals. AB 133 specifies that a framework must be completed by July 1, 2022, and statewide data sharing must be in place by Jan. 31, 2024.