Join industry experts from California county mental health agencies, Psychiatric Health Facilities, behavioral health hospitals, and health systems to learn how they are successfully implementing a patient transfer model using innovative technology. Launched 18 months ago, the model has been instrumental in reducing barriers and fostering collaboration to expedite access to behavioral health care.
This panel will feature leaders dedicated to streamlining care systems, accelerating access to care, enhancing workforce efficiencies, and improving data transparency within health and county systems. Panelists will also discuss strategies for ongoing quality improvement aimed at elevating care for high-risk behavioral health patients throughout California.

Anantha Panyala, PhD
Executive Director
Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center, Behavioral Health Services
Dr. Panyala is the Executive Director for the Mental Health Treatment Center, Behavioral Health Services, Sacramento County. With over 35 years of experience in the field of mental health, Dr. Panyala started her career teaching psychology and later moved to community mental health, working with children and families. At the Mental Health Treatment Center, Dr. Panyala has served in different capacities for 20 years, many of them in a leadership role
working with community and system partners in processing and expediting acute care to individuals in need.

Michelle Ho
Division Director
Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department
Michelle M. Ho is a Division Director for Santa Clara County’s Behavioral Health Services Department and has been with Santa Clara County for 12 years. Michelle oversees discharge planning and care coordination efforts for behavioral health patients who are either in custody health and/or residing in inpatient psychiatric settings. During her time at Santa Clara, she has implemented various behavioral health programs to reduce the rate of recidivism of high inpatient utilization and wait times in the emergency room settings.

Shana Palmieri, LCSW (Moderator)
CCO & Co-Founder
Shana Palmieri is the chief clinical officer and co-founder at XFERALL. In this role, she is responsible for the strategic business operations and clinical innovation. Shana entered the start-up world after more than 17 years of experience in health care and social services, including direct clinical practice and health care administration. Before joining the team to launch XFERALL, Shana was the Director of Community Services at Kalihi Palama Health Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, and worked at The George Washington University Hospital as the director of the Behavioral Health Division, which she developed.

Paul Rains, RN, MSW
System Senior Vice President for Behavioral Health, CommonSpirit
President, St. Joseph’s Behavioral Health Center
Paul has worked in the field of Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment since 1989. Paul’s experience spans numerous care and treatment settings including residential substance use disorder, acute inpatient, long-term adolescent, correctional, and outpatient. Paul serves on the Centers for Behavioral Health Advisory Board, the Behavioral Health Action Coalition and numerous other workgroups and committees that address a wide variety of mental health issues.
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