Behavioral Health

Kern Behavioral Health Workgroup Engages on SB 43

Who What Hospital Council has continued to facilitate regular meetings between Kern BHRS and Kern County hospitals. Recently, the meeting cadence has increased to monthly to work through details and needs stemming from Senate Bill (SB) 43.    One of the items discussed was the creation of 15 workgroups by Kern BHRS to tackle different aspects of […]

Health Priorities Discussed in San Mateo

Who What On July 17, the San Mateo Section CEOs were joined by San Mateo Public Health Officer Kismet Baldwin-Santana, MD, MPH. Dr. Baldwin-Santana gave the group an update on several items including COVID-19, H5N1, and a possible collaboration on a community health needs assessment (CHNA). The CEOs directed the RVP to begin discussions with […]

Behavioral Health Meetings Underway in Kern County

Who What Hospital Council has begun convening monthly meetings of member hospitals and Kern County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services. The group’s work is primarily focused on the upcoming implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 43 (on or before Jan. 1, 2026). The regular convening has also provided an opportunity for providers and county staff to directly discuss […]

Sonoma County Health Services Hosts Regional Behavioral Health Collaborative

Who What Sonoma County Health Services hosted a Regional Behavioral Health Collaborative to close Mental Health Awareness Month, engaging 200 leaders from northern California and as far as Rhode Island. The event began with a powerful observation from Sonoma County Supervisor Chris Coursey: “I’ll bet there isn’t a person in this room whose life hasn’t […]

Regional Behavioral Health Event Emphasizes Collaboration Across Sectors

A behavioral health crisis has long existed in California. Almost one quarter of adults with a mental illness are unable to receive the treatment they need — a number that has not improved since 2011. To discuss this crisis, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services hosted the Regional Behavioral Health Collaborative at the end of May in Santa Rosa. The event drew attendees from various community sectors in and outside of Sonoma County and was held in collaboration with Hospital Council and the Master of Health Care Delivery Science program at Dartmouth College.  

Closing Mental Health Awareness Month in Conversation and Collaboration

Who What The Sonoma County Department of Health Care Services, in partnership with Hospital Council and Dartmouth College’s Master of Health Care Delivery Science program, has invited behavioral health leaders from across northern California to participate in facilitated discussions on May 30 in Santa Rosa, following the successful 2023 Sonoma County community collaborative on behavioral […]

Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recognizes as a time “to increase awareness about the vital role mental health plays in our overall health and well-being and provide resources and information to support individuals and communities who may need mental health support.”  

SB 43 Implementation Collaborative Forms in Sacramento Region

Who What Forty hospital, county, and community leaders in behavioral health from the seven-county Sacramento region convened on April 30 to discuss collaborating on strategies to comply with Senate Bill (SB) 43. Although all seven counties have formally postponed implementation for as late as January 2026, it was clear that it will take much of […]

Alameda and Solano Hospitals Invited to Plan for SB 43 Implementation

Who What Senate Bill (SB) 43, which was signed into law in October 2023, expands the definition of “gravely disabled” for the involuntary detention, treatment, or conservatorship of individuals with behavioral health conditions to include those living with severe substance use disorders (SUDs).   All East Bay counties elected to delay implementation of this new law […]

Addressing Emergency Department Challenges in Northern Sierra

Who What Hospital Council efforts to sustain rural ambulance services continue. The newly formed coalition of state associations, LEMSAs, ambulance providers, county supervisors, and other entities will move next to do an analysis. While all members of the coalition are aware of the rural ambulance service crisis and its potential to worsen, data and patient […]