Council Connect Articles

Hospital Council Issues Statement on Berkeley Measure GG, Large Buildings Fossil Fuel Emissions Tax


  • Hospital Council


On behalf of members with health care facilities in the city of Berkeley, Hospital Council has provided a statement to the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce and the No on Measure GG (Measure GG) campaign expressing significant concerns with the Large Building Fossil Fuel Emissions Tax on the November ballot. The statement helps to raise awareness of Measure GG and outlines the serious challenges it presents for hospitals and their ability to maintain affordable, high-quality health care services in Berkeley.

Takeaway/Next Steps

If passed by voters in November, Measure GG would tax owners of large buildings (15,000 square feet or more) on the amount of natural gas they use. The tax would increase every year with inflation plus 6%, and proceeds would go into a special fund to support converting properties from natural gas to electricity; converting single family residences and restaurants would be prioritized.


RVP Rebecca Rozen at