Council Connect Articles

Sonoma County Hospitals are Responding to Closure of Crisis Stabilization Unit


  • Sonoma County member hospitals 
  • Sonoma County Board of Supervisors 
  • Sonoma County administration


Sonoma County’s only crisis stabilization unit (CSU) was forced to close in August due to mold contamination in its air ducts. After a contractor assessed the damage, it became clear that the necessary repairs may extend into the new year. This closure has left patients in crisis without the clear path to care they previously relied on, leading to overcrowding in local emergency departments. Additionally, concerns over the county’s delayed or denied payments have made it difficult to find receiving facilities – other than hospital emergency departments, which take patients regardless of their ability to pay — willing to accept patients without upfront payment. 

Takeaway/Next Steps

Hospital Council is working closely with the five hospitals in the county, members of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, and county administration to coordinate an in-person discussion. The focus will be on improving communication, developing contingency plans, and finding interim solutions for patients affected by the CSU closure.


RVP Meghan Hardin at