Council Connect Articles

Sonoma County Welcomes Two New Hospital and Regional CEOs

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.


Hospitals with health care facilities located in the city of Berkeley   


The city of Berkeley’s Fair Workweek Ordinance goes into effect on Jan. 12. Passed in 2022, the ordinance requires employers in Berkeley to adhere to certain scheduling and notification requirements for shifts, provide predictability pay to all employees, and offer work to existing employees first.  

The ordinance honors current collective bargaining agreements but requires that when such agreements expire, parties must explicitly waive Berkeley’s ordinance in their next bargaining agreement. Unlike other fair workweek ordinances in the Bay Area, Berkeley’s ordinance includes hospitals and outpatient medical clinics.  

Takeaway/Next Steps

The city of Berkeley hosted workshops about the ordinance. The training presentation and the full ordinance are available online.