Council Connect Articles

Supplier Diversity Session Will Focus on Advancing Health Equity and Economic Opportunity Initiative  

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Communities Lifting Communities (CLC), in partnership with the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC), is working to advance health equity and economic opportunity through the regional collaboration of hospitals, health systems, and partner organizations to collectively address the underlying racial, social, economic, and systemic conditions that fuel health inequities.  

In this May 31 hands-on, interactive session, participants will continue to expand their knowledge about the anchor mission with a focus on impact purchasing/supplier diversity by:

  • Learning about impact purchasing strategy within the anchor mission and creating a shared language for our region
  • Hearing from a peer institution on their best practices and lessons learned from their impact purchasing strategy
  • Identifying opportunities and defining challenges for a regional supplier diversity initiative
  • Understanding how HASC and CLC will support the anchor mission work through regional collaboration and the next steps

Proximo, a Hospital Council endorsed business partner, has a platform called Proveedor that can identify and report on the diverse suppliers that hospitals already work with and facilitate supplier diversity reporting. Proximo also offers Supplier Diversity in a Box, which helps hospitals set up a fully functional supplier diversity program in a matter of weeks.

To learn more about Proximo’s platform, please reach out to your RVP or visit