Council Connect Articles

Proveedor Can Help Hospitals Comply with Supplier Diversity Reporting

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The July 1 Hospital Supplier Diversity reporting deadline mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 962 has left many hospitals seeking support in identifying which of their suppliers meet these criteria. While CHA has several informational resources for members, another resource is Proximo’s Proveedor, which is designed to assist hospitals in compiling these reports.

How it works

A Hospital Council member hospital can send Proximo data on its suppliers. Data will minimally need to include supplier name, address, and last fiscal year spend. Optional (but recommended) data include contact information and internal vendor ID. Suppliers are then matched against a database of diverse suppliers and a file will be provided back to the hospital in a standard format, keyed back to the vendor ID (if provided), noting all of the diverse classifications of the supplier and aggregated spend by diversity. At the option of the hospital, Proximo will even provide spend data in the format specified by AB 962.

Proximo has access to a database that aggregates data from over 300 certification agencies around the world. With over 1.7 million active certifications, hospitals can be assured they will receive the latest information on all their diverse suppliers. One of these sources is the California Public Utilities Commission supplier diversity database.

To learn more

Interested hospitals can reach out to their RVP for a direct Proximo introduction or complete a contact form on the Proximo website. For more information, call (800) 236-9250 or email