Council Connect Articles

White Paper Examines Impact of COVID-19 on Physician Supply and Demand


This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

A new white paper from endorsed business partner Merritt Hawkins titled Will There Be a Doctor in the House? Physician Supply, Demand, and Staffing During and Post-COVID-19 examines the profound impact COVID-19 has had on physician recruiting and retention.

Specifically, the white paper addresses these questions:

  1. How has the virus affected key factors driving physician supply and demand?
  2. What do health care facilities seeking physicians need to know about the new dynamics in physician recruiting?
  3. What course should physicians seeking practice opportunities take in light of the pandemic?
  4. How has medical education been affected and what steps should be taken to secure an adequate supply of physicians in the long-term? 
  5. How have medical schools altered their curriculums and schedules in response to the virus, in some cases allowing for early graduation?

It also offers several recommendations on how to avoid a potential physician shortage and for enhancing long-term access to physicians. Hospital Council members can obtain a copy of this resource by contacting Merritt Hawkins Divisional Vice President of Marketing Joe Price at