Council Connect Articles

East Bay Section Membership Meetings

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.


  • Hospital leaders from Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano counties


On May 15, Solano County hospital leaders convened to discuss local implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 43 and hospitals’ top concerns as Solano County prepares its request for proposals for ambulance services in the fall. Members also shared recent unsatisfactory experiences with the California Department of Public Health Santa Rosa district office and discussed opportunities for improvement. 

On June 6, hospital leaders from all three East Bay counties met for a quarterly section meeting. Sutter Health shared their ambulance patient offload time mitigation protocol to comply with Assembly Bill 40 as a hospital best practice. Kirsten Barlow, CHA vice president, policy, provided an informative presentation on SB 43, Proposition 1, and the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment Court, and how these developments will impact the services provided by county health departments as well as benefit hospitals. The remainder of the meeting included an update on the state budget and discussion of hospitals’ and Hospital Council’s advocacy priorities.

Takeaway/Next Steps

Informational only 


RVP Rebecca Rozen at