- Northern Sierra Section leaders
The Hospital Council Northern Sierra Section met on Oct. 17 and heard a great presentation from Judson Howe of Adventist Health on an innovative and effective approach to recruiting and retention. The meeting included a CEO roundtable discussion, during which many voiced concerns about the increased need for security due to patient-on-caregiver violence. Concerns were also raised about the 2030 requirements around self-sustainment: meeting water, wastewater, and backup power requirements that will be expensive and technically challenging. Nearly all reported a rise in COVID cases, with the biggest impact being seen in the resulting staff absences, and additionally shared was a general challenge with payer issues.
One of the final comments of the day was the sentiment that with all these challenges, it remains critical to continually refocus on providing quality care for patients.
Takeaway / Next Steps
Northern Sierra Section CEOs will continue to work together to brainstorm solutions to the region’s most challenging issues.