Emergency Department/Trauma

2023 PG&E Community Wildfire Safety Program: Information for Hospitals

The Healthcare Energy Fitness Initiative (HEFI) is a comprehensive energy efficiency solution designed to support PG&E health care customers save money by optimizing their energy performance. This unique program provides no-cost expert technical services, end-to-end project support, and lucrative financial incentives to qualifying customers.

Register for this webinar and learn how a team of experienced energy experts and highly qualified Delivery Partners, along with your PG&E Account Manager, will help projects get identified, approved, funded, and completed so you can focus on delivering patient care.

No Quick or Easy Solution for Offload Delays

It’s a years-long problem with a long name: ambulance patient offload delays (APOD). This long-standing issue is wreaking havoc on the health care system, not just in our region but throughout the state and the country. And while there may not be a quick and easy solution, CHA and Hospital Council are actively engaging on this important issue with the state’s Emergency Medical Services Agency as well as local officials.

John Muir Health takes test inventories to a new level

Hospitals went above and beyond to care for those in need during the global COVID-19 pandemic — but not every role gets the credit it deserves. At John Muir Health, a comprehensive approach to test processing and materials in the laboratory helped to speed diagnosis and save lives.

Tenet Health Brings TeleER to the Central Coast

Hospitals went above and beyond to care for those in need during the global COVID-19 pandemic — even reaching outside their four walls. At Tenet Health Central Coast, an innovative new TeleER program meant patients were tended to without setting foot in the hospital.