About Legal, Regulatory, & Licensing
CHA’s legal department works on behalf of member hospitals and health systems in a variety of ways:
Advocating before the courts both as a party in litigation and as amicus curiae in important appellate cases
Assisting hospital compliance officers, privacy officers, and other staff with compliance with the myriad federal and state laws that govern hospital administration and the delivery of health care. This includes CHA’s California Health Information Privacy Manual, a California-specific resource that compares privacy requirements under HIPAA to state laws, and the California Hospital Compliance Manual, which covers high-risk compliance issues.
Representing the interests of California hospitals before state and federal courts in lawsuits involving MICRA, reimbursement, labor and employment, medical staff, and other issues
Assistance with medical staff bylaws
Expertise in mental health law
This section also includes information about the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Division, which is responsible for the licensure, regulation, inspection, and certification of health care facilities and certain health care professionals in California.
State’s Bed Tracking System: Hospital Implementation Steps
Join industry experts from California county mental health agencies, Psychiatric Health Facilities, behavioral health hospitals, and health systems to learn how they are successfully implementing a patient transfer model using innovative technology. Launched 18 months ago, the model has been instrumental in reducing barriers and fostering collaboration to expedite access to behavioral health care.