
The newsroom includes access to Council Connect, our twice-monthly newsletter on Hospital Council’s work. Key articles and issues of interest, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

CDPH Team Monitoring Vaccine Misinformation

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has established a trust and safety team to help ensure the public has accurate and timely information about COVID-19 vaccination. The department asks that anyone who sees or hears of any vaccine-related rumors across social media or in their communities share them with the trust and safety team […]

Behavioral Health Grants Available for Health Care Workers Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

Front-line health care workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can apply for copayment assistance for behavioral health treatments through a new fund from the HealthWell Foundation.   HealthWell will provide up to $2,000 in financial assistance over a 12-month period for out-of-pocket treatment copayments for prescription drugs, counseling services, psychotherapy, and transportation to manage COVID-19-related behavioral health issues.   Health care workers who have annual household incomes up […]

Hospital Power Issues — Before, During, and After COVID-19

The calendar may say March, but it’s never too soon to start thinking about wildfire season — and public safety power shutoffs (PSPS). But in fact, when it comes planning for PSPS, Hospital Council’s and CHA’s teams have never stopped working on this issue as we continue to refine and improve our partnership with PG&E. For example, PSPS events continued at their near record pace in 2020, and we had PSPS events that lasted into December and even January of this year — a very concerning trend.

RVP Roundup

On Feb. 8, RVP David Bacci participated in a hospital collaboration with Fresno County to discuss successes and areas for improvement related to the pandemic. Keeping in mind that there could be another surge fueled by increased mobility and virus variants, the group discussed opportunities to ensure that processes are improved. The group is now working on triggers, which […]

CEO Message

Read up-to-date messages from Hospital Council's CEO