
Doing What is Right is Not Always Easy

Grief, anger, exhaustion, frustration — COVID-19 has been about so many different things for so many people. For hospitals — and their front-line workers — as many are well aware, it’s been about saving lives. Put simply, it’s been about “doing the right thing.” At the first Hospital Council board meeting of the year, that […]

RVP Roundup

On Feb. 2, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors voted to create a Community Advisory Committee for Measure X, which was passed by voters in November. Measure X raises the local sales tax by a half cent and places the revenue into the county’s general fund, though the ballot language did indicate that funding for the […]

RVP Roundup

On Feb. 8, RVP David Bacci participated in a hospital collaboration with Fresno County to discuss successes and areas for improvement related to the pandemic. Keeping in mind that there could be another surge fueled by increased mobility and virus variants, the group discussed opportunities to ensure that processes are improved. The group is now working on triggers, which […]

RVP Roundup

Here’s a look at how Hospital Council’s RVPs have been working on behalf of hospitals over the past few weeks. Since 2019, local hospitals have expressed concerns about understaffing at the Sacramento County Emergency Medical Services Agency (SCEMSA). Operating with between one-third and one-half of the staffing of comparable local emergency medical services agencies in Northern California, […]

Vaccination a Priority for Hospitals, but the Challenges Are Many

Although the vaccine may be helping to turn the corner on the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re not out of the woods just yet. Hospitalizations have started to level off in some parts of the state and counties are slowly reopening, but other regions remain teetering on the brink and are faced with the prospect of having to implement crisis standards of care.

RVP Roundup

Hospitals in Santa Clara County have been meeting daily to share information on hospital status and issues of concern, identify and address level-loading needs, and discuss vaccination strategies.