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Kern Behavioral Health Workgroup Engages on SB 43

Who What Hospital Council has continued to facilitate regular meetings between Kern BHRS and Kern County hospitals. Recently, the meeting cadence has increased to monthly to work through details and needs stemming from Senate Bill (SB) 43.    One of the items discussed was the creation of 15 workgroups by Kern BHRS to tackle different aspects of […]

Health Priorities Discussed in San Mateo

Who What On July 17, the San Mateo Section CEOs were joined by San Mateo Public Health Officer Kismet Baldwin-Santana, MD, MPH. Dr. Baldwin-Santana gave the group an update on several items including COVID-19, H5N1, and a possible collaboration on a community health needs assessment (CHNA). The CEOs directed the RVP to begin discussions with […]

City of Santa Rosa Eyes Gross Receipts Tax

Who What City officials in Santa Rosa are contemplating removal of the current $3,000 cap on the city’s gross receipts tax as an avenue to remedy budget shortfalls. While not-for-profit member hospitals would not be impacted, investor-owned hospitals and medical groups would experience some of the most dramatic tax increases under the proposed plan. Several […]

Critical Deadline Approaches on Ambulance Patient Offload Times

On Sept. 1, hospitals must submit an ambulance patient offload time (APOT) reduction protocol under Assembly Bill 40. This bill requires hospitals to include mechanisms that will improve internal operations and reduce APOT. The standard is 30 minutes, 90% of the time for general acute care hospitals with emergency departments.  

HQI Releases CHPSO Annual Report  

The Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) has released its CHPSO Annual Report, an overview of the most significant work done on behalf of hospitals in 2023. HQI is dedicated to improving the quality and safety of patient care in hospitals and health care systems and oversees the Collaborative Health Care Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO). The focus of CHPSO is on improving patient safety and quality of care by collecting, analyzing, and sharing data on adverse events and near misses in health care.  

Sacramento County APOT Improvement Planning Begins

Who What On June 26, SCEMSA convened 18 hospital and fire department leaders to tackle a systemic ambulance patient offload time (APOT) improvement process. Dale Ainsworth, PhD, a respected facilitator, was brought in to guide the process. The intent was to help hospitals exchange best practices and to inform the development of plans for expediting […]

Healthcare Professional Shortage Area Designations Reviewed

Who What A Healthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designation is critical for many recruitment efforts in hospitals and clinics, as the designation brings with it access to some state and federal programs offering tuition reimbursement, grants, visa waivers, and more. Some HPSA designations are automatic and tied to a specific clinic or facility, and other […]

Protecting Hospitals During Fire Season

The Fourth of July weekend marks a time of celebration in the lives of Americans and is often spent enjoying time with loved ones. July also brings higher temperatures, which increases the risk of fire. Although the precise causes are yet to be determined, the Hospital Council region experienced multiple fires and public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) during the holiday weekend.